Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MOPS Speaker Highlight: Renee Fahs on "Finding your Oasis"

MOPS mom and psychologist Renee Fahs spoke about Finding your Oasis: how to improve self-care, reduce stress, and maintain 'sanity' while keeping up with the many responsibilities of being a mom at this month's Saturday meeting. Here are a set of highlights for those who couldn't attend (and for the Wednesday moms), and also to help reiterate the highlights of this information-filled session for those who were there. Thanks so much, Renee, for providing us with these!


Too often we spend so much time taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. It is true that if we don't take care of ourselves, then we have difficulty taking care of others. The information provided isn't about how to be selfish, but how to be happy and less stressed so that we can give the best we can to our family.

If you can include even five minutes a day on each of these areas, you'll find greater meaning and joy in all the work you do throughout the day.

1. Spend time talking to God about whatever is on your heart.

2. Take time to practice relaxation or meditation. Twenty minutes of pure relaxation is equal to two hours of sleep. If you don't have a twenty-minute chunk of time to spare, then practice deep breathing throughout the day (in the shower, washing dishes, driving, etc). Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, and breathe out for 8 seconds; do this about 5-10 times in a row. Let the air down low to your belly, not your chest.

3. Exercise (cardio--get that heart pumping!) at least three days a week for a half hour (5 minutes warm up and cool down not included).

4. Take a time out for yourself--call a friend, take a walk in the park, take a nice bath, ditch the cell phone, read a book in a bookstore, etc--at least five minutes a day and plan something to look forward to doing every weekend.

5. Make good eating choices and make a 7-8 hour a night of sleep a priority.

There is always more we can do, but that gets to be overwhelming and we don't need any more of those feelings. :-) Try these suggestions for a month and see if you notice a change in your mood, energy, and enthusiasm for life.

(Editor's note: We'd love to hear your success stories! Follow us on Facebook or Twitter, or e-mail us to share how Renee's tips have helped you!)

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