Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wednesday MOPS: Who Am I? January 12

Are you Playful? Proper? Powerful? Peaceful? Join us on January 12 for Wednesday MOPS with video speaker Jami Kirkbride from MOPS International.

A mom’s personality (Playful, Powerful, Proper, and Peaceful) influences her mothering. Understanding our personality (as well as that of our children) brings clarity to our strengths and struggles in the act of mothering. What's your personality type? Find out by taking a personality quiz online!

9:30-11:30am, free childcare provided!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saturday MOPS: January Guest Speaker - Kathi Lipp

It's about love.

It's about respect.

It's about letting your husband know that you still think he is a hottie! Have you and your husband gone from over-the-top romantics to tolerant roommates? Do you dress up more to go out to dinner with your girlfriends than you do with your husband? Have you forgotten the fine art of flirting with your guy? Maybe it is time to put your husband on "Project Status". In The Husband Project, author Kathi Lipp shows you how, even in the midst of your busy schedule, to take your marriage from ordinary to amazing in just 21 days. Through simple daily action plans, you'll discover fun and creative ways to bring back that lovin' feeling - and to remind you and your guy why you got married in the first place. So grab a couple of friends and rise to the challenge that women across the US have taken: three weeks of putting your man before kids, housework, jobs and even shopping at Target.

We know there are a lot of single moms in our group - 90% of the principles that Kathi will address can be applied to ANY of the important men in your life! Dads, brothers, grandfathers, sons, coworkers - whether you are married now or not, you will get something out of this and have a great time, too!

This promises to be a great session with a fun, dynamic speaker and lots of lively discussion.

Join us on Saturday, January 8 from 9:30-11:30am! See you then - and bring a friend!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Diaper Drive!

Hey moms - we all know how costly diapers can be, and there are moms among us who are struggling to meet their family's basic needs for rent and utlitiies and food. Diapers are an extraordinary burden (cloth isn't an option when you don't have your own washer/dryer either) especially when there two kids wearing them at the same time!

HOWEVER - we all have experienced our kids growing out of one size diapers and into the next and having a few leftover.

If you have leftover diapers and/or wipes - this could help another mom! And if you want to help by providing new diapers or packages of wipes, this will be greatly appreciated!

Let us know!

Friday, December 17, 2010

FREE! New Year’s Eve Childcare

Campbell Church's The Zone Student Ministry high school students (and adult chaperones) are offering FREE childcare from 6-10 pm on New Year’s Eve for children 5th grade and under to be held at the church building. Snacks and appropriate activities will be provided. Sign-up online at http://tinyurl.com/NYEChildCare by 11:59 pm, December 30th.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Parents' Time Out--Free Childcare Jan. 28!

Parents' Time Out is back! Moms and dads who are with their kids all day need an occasional “time out” to recharge. Time to be alone, run errands, or meet a friend without the kids! That's why the Campbell Church is offering FREE childcare on the last Friday of the month!

Time Out for Parents is fun, free childcare for infants through age 5, from 8:30am to 12 noon.

Drop off your kids between 8:30 and 9:30am on Friday, January 28.
Pick up anytime before noon.

Call 378-4900, x264 by January 21 to RSVP!
Please leave a message with your child(ren)’s name(s), age(s) and your contact information. This is a great opportunity for you and a friend to drop your children off together and go get a coffee and catch up!

Space is limited, so sign up ASAP!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Helping Mothers With Young Children

Did you know?

WIC California is an agency that provides women with infants and young children the means to buy basic foods for their kids - like milk, eggs, and bread. If you or someone you know needs help - here's how you can apply:

What can you get at WIC?

  • Special checks to buy healthy foods from WIC-authorized vendors – milk, eggs, bread, cereal, juice, peanut butter, and much more
  • Information about nutrition and health to help you and your family eat well and be healthy
  • Support and information about breastfeeding your baby
  • Help in finding health care and other community services

Where can I find WIC?

WIC has local offices in San Jose and Campbell. Call 1-888-WIC-WORKS (1-888-942-9675).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Coffee Anyone?

Mom's Night Out on Tuesday, December 7! Meet at the Starbucks at Bascom and Hamilton, next to Whole Foods. Grab a little time for yourself amidst all the crazy! 7:30-9pm

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday MOPS: December 8!

Wednesday moms, don't miss the last meeting of the year, this coming Wednesday, December 8, from 9:30-11:30. As always, free childcare is provided. In preparation for the holidays, we'll be watching and discussing a video on developing fulfilling and rewarding relationships with extended family. In lieu of our normal brunch, this month we are sharing holiday treats! Please bring your favorite holiday treat to share, and (if you forgot to bring your recipe last month) e-mail the recipe to campbellmops@gmail.com to be compiled into a recipe book and shared with the group.

Too busy to cook? Forgot to send in your recipe? Running late? Have to leave early? If anyone can be counted on to understand how a busy mom's life can get in the way, it's a group of moms! Please come anyway... there will be plenty of food and we'll be happy to have your company!

Please call (408) 378-4900 x228 or e-mail campbellmops@gmail.com with questions or to RSVP for childcare. Looking forward to seeing you there!