Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine's Day is Coming!

Here are some fun, easy ways to express your love to your loved ones on Valentine's Day! Courtesy of Teresa Drake, one of our favorite speakers at Campbell MOPS! For more on Teresa, visit her website at

Giving Hearts of Love
A fun Valentines Day game that speaks love into the hearts of your children, your guy or other special people in your life.

Get a handful of paper hearts approximately 3" to 4" wide. You can cut them from construction paper, use heart-shaped paper doilies or even the foamie hearts: all of these supplies are readily available at your local crafts store. Whatever heart option you choose, just be sure it's a texture you can write on.For your children: On each heart write one special thing you love about your child and hide them throughout the house (maybe stick with just one room if your children are young). Then watch your little ones scurry about to find their special treasures. If you have more than one child, avoid confusion by using one color for each child. It's also helpful to remember how many hearts you've hidden.Once all the hearts are found get cuddly-cozy and read all their little love notes one by one.

For Your Guy: You can also hide some hearts of love for your special man to find throughout the days leading up to Valentine's Day. Hide them in his clothing pockets, his car, his wallet, taped to the bathroom mirror, in his closet.There are plenty of options for creating his love notes: you can write something you love about him on each heart, or you can spice it up a bit and write something about how you're going to love him when Valentine's Day finally arrives. If you choose this option, I wouldn't be surprised if he wants you to make good on your love note earlier, rather than later.

For Special Friends: Have a friend you'd like to encourage? Write a compliment, a favorite scripture or other words of wisdom, or a favorite quote - one on each heart. Then punch a single hole in each heart, at the top or on the side, and bind them together with a ribbon or key ring. You'll have a little gift booklet to brighten up the day for someone who's extra special to you.

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