Sunday, January 22, 2012

Introducing the Question Of The Week

This year, let's start a Question Of The Week (QOTW) on our Facebook page where we would post a question directed to all fellow moms.

It is an opportunity to share insights, ideas, and tips and in the midst of it, get to know each other. For those who attended the last Oasis meeting, it is also a way to find bright spots.

This week, we won't have just one question but three of them - inspired from the same questions that our steering team answered here.

- What’s the best piece of advice you were given about motherhood?
- What are your favorite things to do in your spare time?
- What is your favorite way to be spoiled ?

Do you have any questions to suggest ? Have you ever wondered how other moms do things, what worked for them, what are their family favorites, etc ? Well, now it's your chance to ask. We would be more than pleased to have you post your question as our QOTW. Simply email us at or message us on Facebook to let us know.

Free screening of the major motion picture "Courageous"

You are invited to a free screening of the major motion picture “Courageous.” This acclaimed film follows the lives of four police officers discovering what it really means to be a man, that fatherhood is their most courageous feat of all, and true honor begins at home.

Showtimes: Saturday January 28th at 5:15pm and 8:15 pm

In the main auditorium

Free childcare is available by reservation for the first showing at 5:15pm only.

Please call 378-4900, x264 to reserve by January 24. Families are welcome. Film is rated PG-13.

Monday, January 16, 2012

February MOPS Meeting: Let's talk about SEX !

Moms – you do not want to miss this meeting! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we are going to be talking…are you ready for this…about SEX!
Guest Speaker Emily Nelson presents: SEX! It’s the Gift That Keeps on Giving! “But,” you say, “Why then is it the one gift I’m too ‘tired’ to open?!”
In this fun, guilt-free presentation, Emily will have you laughing and understanding:
  • How sex can be great (even with young kids in the house)
  • How to create a sanctuary for sex
  • How to connect, rather than reject, the bedroom
  • How to embrace “The Quickie”
As Emily shares her 29 years of experience, you will walk away with a renewed passion for the fun and love you and your husband can have in the bedroom and the confidence to become your own SEXpert!
When: Wednesday February 8th at 9:30-11:30am

Where: In the Oak room on the campus of the Campbell Church of Christ at 1075 West Campbell in Campbell. Parking is available behind the campus off of Victor Avenue.

Yummy breakfast and childcare provided.

Friday, January 13, 2012

California Law on Child Passenger Restraints

Please distribute to other parents.

NEW STATE LAW: SB 929 of 2011: Vehicles: Child Passenger Restraints

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2012

SUMMARY: SB 929 requires that
children under the age of 8 OR under 4 feet 9 inches in height must be secured in a car seat or booster seat.

For more information please visit:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oasis with Guest Speaker Chip Heath this Saturday January 14th

What is Oasis ? It is a monthly event, a place to retreat for all women—women who work, women who are raising kids, single women and retired women. No matter what your age or situation.

This month our guest speaker is Chip Heath. He is a Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University? He is the co-author of Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. The Heath brothers previously co-wrote the critically acclaimed book Made to Stick, which was named the Best Business Book of the Year.

Chip will discuss how everyday people have united the rational mind and emotional mind and, as a result, achieved dramatic results.

For more details please view our Women's Ministry page here.

When: Saturday January 14th from 9-11 am in the Oak Room

Where: On the campus of the Campbell Church of Christ at 1075 West Campbell in Campbell. Parking is available behind the campus off of Victor Avenue.

Breakfast will be provided. Free childcare is available by reservation only 378-4900 x 264

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MOPS meets Wednesday, January 11th

Self-Control: A MomSense quality

Wouldn't you say that the topic of self-control goes well with new year resolutions? The ability to be in charge of our attitude, actions, behaviors are critical life skills for adults and children. If we model and encourage self-control, our children will adapt this trait in their own lives.

When: Wednesday January 11th from 9:30-11:30

Where: Campbell MOPS meets on the campus of the Campbell Church of Christ and Campbell Christian School at 1075 West Campbell in Campbell. Parking is available behind the campus off of Victor Avenue.

We'll have a light breakfast and free childcare as always. All moms are welcome. And moms with new babies are welcome to bring them into the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there !