National speaker and author of over seven books, Kathi Lipp will be sharing organizational secrets from her new book "The Get Yourself Organized Project."
A book for REAL women! This is a great opportunity for you to invite a friend, neighbor or coworker to join you for a morning Oasis - time to get away from the ordinary and leave refreshed and encouraged.
"Finally, an organizational book for women who have given up trying to be Martha Stewart but still desire some semblance of order in their lives."
Most organizational books are written by and for people who are naturally structured and orderly. The advice sounds terrific but seldom works. These women are looking for help that takes into account their free-spirited outlook while providing tips and tricks they can easily follow to live a more organized life.
When: 9-11am, Saturday November 3
Where: Oak Room
Reserve for childcare by October 31 at 378-4900, x264
Join us for Oasis this Saturday - a two-hour mini retreat. Give yourself permission to step away from the ordinary, relax and rejuvenate! Oasis is for YOU!