Friday, February 17, 2012

FREE Childcare: TimeOut for Parents on Friday February 24th

FREE Childcare on Friday February 24th !

Everyone needs an occasional “time out” to recharge. Time to be alone, run errands,
or meet a friend without the kids!

The KidZone Children's Ministry wants to offer you a “Time Out” for FREE!

For infants through age 5.

Space is limited! Call to make a reservation no later than next Tuesday.
378-4900, x264

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mom's Day Out! This Saturday, February 18

Hey moms! Join us for a fun day out this coming Saturday, February 18! We'll meet for lunch at 12pm at Cheesecake Factory at Oakridge Mall and then see "The Vow" at Century Oakridge Theatres at 2pm. All are welcome - hope you can make it! Email campbellmops (at) gmail (dot) com if you plan to come, so we know to look for you!