Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Parents' Time Out--Free Childcare May 28!

Moms and dads who are with their kids all day need an occasional “time out” to recharge. Time to be alone, run errands, or meet a friend without the kids! That's why the Campbell Church is offering FREE childcare on the last Friday of the month!

Time Out for Parents is fun, free childcare for infants through age 5, from 8:30am to 12 noon.

Drop off your kids between 8:30 and 9:30am.
Pick up anytime before noon.

Call 378-4900, x264 by Monday, May 24!
The deadline for registering is a little earlier this month due to the strong response last month. Please leave a message with your child(ren)’s name(s), age(s) and your contact information. This is a great opportunity for you and a friend to drop your children off together and go get a coffee and catch up!

Space is limited--and this is the last Parents' Time Out until the fall, so don't miss it!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday Moms: Growing with Extended Family on June 5!

Growing With Extended Family: How becoming a mom changes your extended-family dynamics!

My family tree is suddenly a forest!

Relationships with extended family can be challenging, but with a little bit of work, they can also be fulfilling and rewarding.

We’ll be watching a short video, spending time in small-group discussion, and working on a craft project. Everything will be supplied, just come and enjoy some time of connection before we break for the summer! The June meeting will be Saturday, June 5, from 9-11 am. All are welcome, even if this is your first time. As always, free childcare is available and a tasty brunch is provided!

We are happy to answer any questions--you can send e-mail to

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom's Night Out - May 21

Join us at the Grapevine Wine and Cheese Bar on Friday, May 21 starting at 7pm. Stop on by for some mom-time and good conversation! Feel free to bring a friend; all are welcome!

Thank you to Nicole Jensen for organizing this one!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Parent's Night Out: May 22, 4:30-8pm!

Every parent needs a break!
All parents need an occasional break in order to be the best they can be for their kids! And, finding the time, babysitters, etc. may make this difficult, or nearly impossible--but we are here to help!

Let us help you!
Please allow us to care for your children, ages 6 months through Grade 5, on Saturday, May 22, from 4:30-8pm. With a bounce house, a petting zoo, and a puppet show, your kids will enjoy their own evening of fun and dinner--all completely free!

This is a gift to you, the parents of our local community, from the KidZone Children's Ministry. Reservations are required--and with an event as fun as this, sign your kids up soon so that their space is reserved! Call 408-378-4900, extension 228, to register. If you have any questions, you can send them to!

Wednesday Moms: Bay Area Family Fun!

Join us Wednesday, May 12, from 9:30-11:30 am, to learn about free and affordable family fun in the Bay Area! Speaker Marian Kicklighter, creator of, will speak on family-friendly activities, discounts to local events, and suggestions for parents/kids nights outs. Bring a friend!

Free childcare provided. As always, a yummy brunch will be served! Contact with any questions.