Friday, February 13, 2009

New! Now two Campbell Groups to Choose From!

Starting March 7! Join us on the first Saturday of the month from 9-10:30 - perfect for busy moms! To reserve childcare or for more information, call 408.378.4900.

Teresa Drake will be our speaker on March 7, to share her insights on
Motherhood: the Journey of a Lifetime!
An entertaining and informative approach to the travels and travails of motherhood. In this presentation women will learn how to:
  • Determine their compass points and set an individualized course for their journey.
  • Research and prepare for the different ports-of-call that all mommies pass through.
  • Use specific criteria to build a core group of supportive travel partners.
  • Identify port authorities (friends, strangers, siblings and parents) and balance their input.
  • Gracefully navigate bumpy terrain without losing your way.